
Plumbing & Sewer Care

Bidet Install DIY Services

Benefits of a Bidet

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I’m going to kick things off by diving straight into a topic that’s been making waves across America, and specifically, in the Land of 10,000 Lakes, Minnesota. Bidet attachments, once a bathroom oddity in American homes, are now gaining undeniable momentum. But it’s not just about a trend; it’s a shift towards a more efficient and hygienic way of living.

These nifty devices are revolutionizing the way we think about bathroom hygiene by turning standard toilets into modern sanitation stations. I’ll be covering what bidet attachments are and how easily they can be part of your day-to-day life. From simple DIYs that make installation a breeze to astonishing health benefits, you’re going to find out about the full spectrum of perks that come with this bathroom game-changer.

In my opinion, it’s important to understand not only the ‘what’ but also the ‘why’ of this growing popularity. So, if you’re curious about why your neighbors might be upgrading their bathroom experiences or if you’re considering a bidet for yourself, you’ve come to the right place. Let’s explore the surge of interest in bidets in America, before honing in on why Minnesota residents, in particular, are becoming big fans.

Why Minnesota Is Embracing the Bidet Culture

Guess what? Minnesota is turning into a bidet hotbed. And there’s solid reasoning why Minnesotans are swapping their toilet paper for a fresh stream of water. It’s more than just a trend; it’s a lifestyle choice that’s picking up pace across the North Star State.

For starters, Minnesotans are becoming environmentally conscious, and the eco-friendly nature of bidets cuts down on toilet paper usage significantly. This is not only good for personal finance but also a boon for the trees and the planet.

Moreover, there’s been a real surge in local marketing efforts. You might have seen early advertisements casting bidets as high-end, luxury items. Now, they are sold as essential home improvements. This shift has made bidets more accessible and less intimidating for the average consumer.

Interestingly, the preference for bidets in Minnesota reflects a broader acceptance of global bathroom norms. Since many cultures around the world prefer water over paper for cleaning up, Minnesotans seem to be tapping into a more international way of thinking. This global perspective might be tied to the diverse communities residing in Minnesota who have shared their own cultural practices.

Now, let’s talk social influence. Health professionals, local influencers, and considered peers have praised the sanitary benefits of bidets. Word-of-mouth recommendations have been a significant driving force behind the bidet movement in Minnesota, as more people learn about the potential health benefits from someone they trust.

The Convenience of Bidet Attachments: Home Bathroom Upgrade

I’m going to show you just how straightforward it is to give your bathroom a major upgrade with a bidet attachment. You might be thinking that installing a bidet requires a complete renovation or plumbing expertise, but that’s not the case. These attachments are designed to fit onto your existing toilet setup, which is a game-changer for home improvement enthusiasts.

When you look into the different types of bidet attachments, you’re going to find out about a bunch of options. There are attachments with various spray patterns, adjustable water pressure, and even heated seats. Some come with remote controls while others are more minimalist. So you’ve got plenty of choices depending on your budget and preferences.

Now, if you want to take on the project yourself, don’t worry too much about technical snags. Most bidet attachments come with detailed instructions and only require basic tools that you probably already have at home. Plus, there are loads of online tutorials to guide you through the process step by step.

Choose something that resonates with you and your needs. Whether you’re living in a rented apartment or your own home, opting for a bidet attachment is a financially savvy move. They are less costly than their full-featured counterparts, and you can start experiencing the benefits of a bidet almost immediately after installation.

The Untold Sanitary Benefits of Using a Bidet

Now, I’m going to share with you the hygiene wonders that come with a bidet. This isn’t just about comfort; it’s also about a significant hygiene uplift. When you explore the scientific angle, you’ll be amazed at how bidets surpass traditional toilet paper. Think about it: water cleans better than paper, which is something you already know if you’ve ever washed your hands.

Research is quite revealing in this respect. Studies show that a jet of water from a bidet can drastically reduce the presence of bacteria left behind post-visitation, as opposed to wiping with paper alone. Dermatologists have also given bidets a nod for reducing the risk of rashes and hemorrhoids, due to their gentle nature.

You’re going to find out that using a bidet isn’t just a step up for personal care – it could be a leap for public health. Picture fewer bacteria being transferred from person to person. That means bidets could play a part in lessening infectious disease spread, especially in highly populated areas or when proper handwashing isn’t possible.

So now, we’re transitioning to a world where hand washing is no longer required post-toilet. Bidets are pioneering a cleaner, more efficient era of toiletry habits. That’s the strategy I like to leverage – merging traditional practices with modern innovation for the best overall outcome.

A New Era of Personal Hygiene: Beyond Hand-Wiping

I’m going to take you back in time to when hand-wiping was the norm. It’s not the most glamorous topic, but it’s a necessary one. Imagine, for centuries, people relied on all sorts of materials to clean up after using the bathroom. From leaves to rags, the history of personal hygiene is diverse. But, there’s been a significant shift toward hygiene practices that aren’t just about cleanliness but also about wellness.

Now, what’s the big deal with moving beyond hand-wiping fecal matter? You’re going to find out that this isn’t just about hygiene; it’s also about confidence and comfort. Washing with water provides a more thorough clean than paper ever could. It can reduce irritation, prevent the spread of bacteria, and can even help with certain health conditions like hemorrhoids.

In my opinion, there’s a dignity that comes with the use of bidets that hand-wiping with paper cannot match. This method is gentler, it respects the body’s natural physiology, and frankly, it feels better. And guess what? Research is beginning to show the positive impacts of water cleansing, from reduced urinary tract infections to a lower environmental footprint.

So my question to you today is, why not make the switch? While habits are hard to change, the benefits of using a bidet can pave the way for a new standard in personal care. Your first attempt doesn’t need to be your last. You can always adjust your approach down the road, and choosing something that resonates with you will make the transition smoother.

This shift in hygiene practices is more than a personal choice; it’s part of a larger conversation on health and sustainability that we’re seeing globally. The impact of bidet use isn’t confined to the bathroom; it’s part of a narrative of change that encompasses personal wellbeing and environmental awareness.

Embracing Change: The Future of Toiletry in America

Bidet attachments are more than just a passing fad; they signify a major shift in America’s approach to personal hygiene. As we’ve seen, the benefits of bidets – from their eco-friendly impact to the unparalleled sanitary advantages – are driving this change.

Looking ahead, the bidet’s rise speaks volumes about our society’s willingness to adopt healthier, more sustainable practices. I’m convinced that what we’re seeing in Minnesota is just the beginning. As awareness grows, so too will the ubiquity of bidets in bathrooms across the country, leading to a potential decrease in toilet paper waste and promoting an overall greener lifestyle.

The true beauty of this movement lies in its simplicity. Swapping out toilet paper for a water-based cleaning system is a small change that can have a profound impact on environmental sustainability and personal health.

If you’re interested in being part of this change, consider trading in your traditional toilet paper habits for a bidet. It isn’t just about trying something new; it’s about making a conscious choice for a cleaner, more eco-friendly tomorrow.

I really hope that you’re leaving this discussion with a clear understanding of the momentum behind bidets and a grasp of how easy they are to adopt. Bidets might not be the whole answer to our environmental issues, but they certainly form a piece of the puzzle.


  1. It’s an interesting read, especially for myself, who grew up in Central Europe. Bidets are normal and found in EVERY bathroom. It’s not just about the environment, although, of course, that is important; it is about comfort and cleanliness, so much better for you than toilet paper. If you are wondering about getting a bidet, wonder no more. If you take the plunge, you will never look back. A bathroom without a bidet is just barbaric, at least in my opinion

    • Well said, Catherine!

      You will never look back. Over in the states it is almost unheard of. If somebody catches wind that you have a bidet at home they imagine that you are throned upon a toilet of gold. However, I was in the same boat not long ago. I thought about giving it a try, what is the worst that can happen with a $40 bidet attachment? I blow out my arse?? Well, I was determined that was not going to happen. 

      Any who…. That ship has sailed and I wont look back either! It is interesting how barbaric the the ole hand-and-paper wipe is after realizing how nonchalant a bidet attachment for a normal toilet is.


  2. Hi there,

    Great article on bidet attachments! I’ve been considering getting one for a while, and your detailed breakdown of the benefits and installation process is super helpful. It’s amazing how something so simple can make such a big difference in hygiene and comfort.

    I do have a question, though. How does the bidet attachment affect the overall water usage in a household? I’m curious if it leads to a noticeable increase in water bills, or if the difference is pretty minimal.

    Thanks for the informative read! 

    • That is a very good question, Steve and I do not know how much money a bidet adds to your water bill off the top of my head. So here is the breakdown of what I found:

      Water Usage for Toilet Paper

      1. Water to Produce Toilet Paper: It takes about 37 gallons of water to produce a single roll of toilet paper. This figure includes the water used to grow the trees, process the paper, and manufacture the roll.   

      2. Average Toilet Paper Usage: If we consider a person uses about 1 roll of toilet paper every 5 days, this translates to roughly 73 rolls a year. Therefore:

      – Total water used per person for toilet paper in a year = 73 rolls/year * 37 gallons/roll = 2,701 gallons/year.

      1. Water for Bidet Use: A bidet typically uses about 1/8 to 1 gallon of water per use. If we assume an average of 2 uses per day:
         – Total water used per person for bidet in a year = 2 uses/day * 365 days/year * 0.5 gallons/usage = 365 gallons/year.

      Total Water Savings:   

      – Average water used for toilet paper: 2,701 gallons/year

      – Average water used for bidet: 365 gallons/year

      – Water savings by using a bidet = 2,701 gallons – 365 gallons = 2,336 gallons/year.

      Using a bidet instead of toilet paper can save an average individual approximately 2,336 gallons of water per year. With these same calculations, 2 users would consume roughly  730 gallons of water annually. On the high end in the United States at $0.010/gallon that would be $7.30/per year in added to the water bill. This does not consider the amount of time it takes to clean your hands extra good after digging up in your anus.

      Personally, I don’t know why you’re concerned about a petty cost-analysis when hand-wiping is the alternative. 

      Be sure to check out other bidet attachments to update your current toilet if you decide to update!

      Take care, Steve.

  3. Here in the UK, finding a bidet in a bathroom is still a rarity. As someone who used to stop in hotels 2 or 3  nights each week, I could probably count on one hand the times I discovered bidets in the en-suites. On a holiday to Spain as a twenty-something-year-old, I discovered bidets for the first time and had no idea what their use was. A friend filled it with cold water and kept bottles of beer in it! I’m pleased to say that I have become more sophisticated with age (it was 50 years ago!) but suspect it is still a hard sell to change people’s habits in many parts of the country.

    • Hey Pickwick,

      In the United States it is also a rarity to see a bathroom with a bidet attachment, but on the same note, I don’t use a lot of other folks bathrooms. I can understand why a public place would not want a bidet attachment on their current toilets. It is difficult to hold the public accountable for abuse behind closed and private doors.

      However, I have been stumbling upon more and more folks who aren’t afraid to say they use a bidet and its not that big of a deal. Especially this Neo120 series. This thing can be installed in 10 minutes, but doesn’t have a warm water feature. Which to me, isn’t a deal breaker when it is equally as sanitary. 

      I understand that people are stuck in the mud about their old ways, but I don’t mind being blunt about how archaic digging in your bum is.

      Take care and happy wiping.

  4. Thanks for this article, in my opinion using a Bidet, improves personal hygiene by providing a thorough clean, reduces environmental impact by cutting down on toilet paper use, and can save money over time. It’s gentler on the skin, offers comfort with features like warm water and heated seats, and is particularly beneficial for postpartum care and for elderly or disabled individuals who may struggle with using toilet paper. Overall, bidets offer a cleaner, eco-friendly, and more comfortable bathroom experience. Thank you. 

  5. I’ve been considering adding a bidet attachment to my bathroom, and your post has provided some great insights. I appreciate how you broke down the installation process and the benefits. It’s reassuring to know that it’s a straightforward upgrade that can enhance hygiene and comfort. Thanks for the detailed review and tips!

    • It’s great to hear you’re considering a bidet attachment! They really do revolutionize personal hygiene. Hand wipers seem quite barbaric in comparison, don’t you think? It’s like we’re stuck in the past when modern solutions like bidets exist. Enjoy your upgrade!

  6. What a thorough and enlightening post on bidets! I love how you’ve detailed the eco-friendly and health benefits, especially the focus on why Minnesotans are leading this trend. It’s fascinating to see how a simple bathroom upgrade can contribute to both personal well-being and environmental sustainability. I’m curious, though—have you noticed any specific feedback from users about the learning curve associated with bidet attachments? Do people generally find the transition easier than expected, or are there common challenges they face?

    • Thank you for your kind words! It’s great to hear that you found the post on bidets both enlightening and entertaining—kind of like the golden toilet of blog posts! 

      On the topic of user feedback, the transition to bidets can be smoother than a Minnesota summer breeze, but there are definitely some hiccups along the way. A few brave souls might find themselves facing a “splash zone” surprise on their first attempt. Who knew they signed up for water aerobics in their own bathroom? But for the most part, users report that the benefits—like reduced toilet paper usage and a refreshing clean—make the learning curve feel more like a tiny bump than a steep hill.

      So, while some might liken their first encounter to that of learning to ride a bike (with maybe a few wobbles and “oops” moments), most emerge victorious, equipped with newfound bathroom wisdom! It’s all part of the journey to bidet enlightenment!

  7. Hi, I heard about these a at least a year ago. I think Joe Rogan was talking about them. I didn’t know they were so easy to install. I have heard that they’re pretty good though. Looks like I might have to go in and check it out myself. Especially since they’re becoming some popular.

    • It’s fascinating how Joe Rogan can bring attention to various topics with his engaging discussions. He truly has a knack for teaching common sense to people who might overlook it, delivering insights with humor and clarity. If he mentioned how easy these are to install, it’s worth investigating further. It’s always interesting to see something gain popularity after getting a Rogan endorsement! Definitely seems like it’s time to check it out firsthand.


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